Monday, November 23, 2015

This is in response to Bluebonnet Politics

I do agree and yet disagree with Mireille, i agree that we need to improve the situation concerning the bus stops for public transit system. I spent 14 years riding the bus. I have seen the so called improvements fail more often then not. when the light rail was first brought to light, the public was told that the money from riders of the rail would bring forth improved stop conditions. well we are still waiting. what I don't agree with is that increasing funding to the city / metro should be done. i think that we the people should be given the funds to make the required improvements since we are the one's that must endure them as they are now. the city bigwigs and metro V.I.P's can not fix something that they them selves will not use.

Monday, November 2, 2015

gentrification !!!!!back off!!!!!!

            Any one who has lived in Austin TX for a while or even just a few months, has ether heard or seen the The Keep Austin Weird signs and shirts. when to walk or drive down town it is hard to miss proof of our cities weirdness, from the spray paint frog the says HI, HOW ARE YOU, to the activities like Eeyore's birthday bash, S.X.S, A.C.L, and R.O.T rally just to name a few. what many don't notice unless you really look or are part of the minority is that the concept needs to expand to fight against harmful gentrification. The problem is that Austin has always been heavily segregated, and gentrification is spreading rapidly in areas that minorities have been pushed aside to. In 1917, a Supreme Court attempted to end segregation in cities, so “Austin and cities across the South started developing new policies to isolate minorities.” What we have today is minorities disproportionately living east of I-35. which is the city version of the boonies or slums, i have even heard a friend of mine call it poor town, because it is almost like you leave Austin when you cross I-35. i am all for improving our city, but building mini mansions, and 2,000 a month condos in large population areas where the average adult make about 3 to 7 hundred a month, is a student and/or a family to feed is far from helpful when what we really need is more affordable housing and job opportunities. if all you build is fancy shops with expensive products and high priced living arrangement, where does that leave us poor folk, i will tell you, no where, all of this gentrification is doing more harm to the average person then good, it keeps us segregated in our own little worlds while making those worlds smaller and smaller. i say STOP, if you want to make mini mansions and over price shops do so in area where people of wealth shop and live, they don't like our poor and modest area and we don't care for their better then thou area, so why try forcing us to mix. give us simple homes and low prices affordable stores, and leave us be.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

today "The Texas House Panel Approves Full Legalization Of Marijuana in 'Unprecedented' Move", is the CBS Houston is the biggest headline of the week and a great leap in a new direction for Texas. may have been asked and most reply in the same, stating that no way would Texas be the fifth state to legalizing marijuana, but though still not there Texas is one step closer, At houston,cbslocal,com  the bill 2165 was passed with a vote 5-2, (3 democrat's and 2 republicans)  so this is a huge step in a positive direction in my mind.